
Showing posts from November, 2014

Lessons from Humility: How Being Wrong Was The Best Thing For Me

One of the most important lessons that I have learned in my first semester of graduate school is the social work spectrum. I had this narrow vision into what is considered as social work. I imagined myself "fixing" people's problems through therapy. I could imagine my long list of clients who love seeing me because I help them. I would become this miracle worker. That is what I always dreamed would happen. Some of my prophecy has come true, but for the most part my vision of social work was completely wrong. Social work is therapy but it is much more. I had a breakdown at my internship because my perception of social work was completely wrong. I thought that I was wasting time doing mindless activities. In my internship, I play bingo and domino's with clients, talk to them about their hobbies, paint their nails, color with them. I have more social work responsibilities, but these activities, I found useless. Why am I doing these activities that anyone can do with th...