Happy News
I was just reflecting on the past year since It has almost been a year since I postponed my mission to Buenos Aires West, Argentina. I was supposed to leave on July 31st in 3 days. Craziness. It has been quite the year. There has been a lot of surprises and stretching that has happened. I have been put in uncomfortable positions and had a lot of growth from feeling uncomfortable. I do have good news though. When I was praying about my mission, I always had this strong desire to get my MSW. Nothing seemed to be working out for me to go to graduate school. I kept getting rejected. I kept spending more money on sending applications and transcripts. I kept getting the feeling to not worry about it and move on with my life. "How can I move on when it is my dream?" That is how I felt. I moved on and started making new plans and starting acting on them. I was going to get my teaching credential and started applying for a teaching credential program. My mother came in random...