Summer Happenings

This summer break has been fantastic. Sometimes I don't know what to do with myself because I am not working. I get to develop other hobbies other than working with my kids. I love my kids and I do miss them, but I have loved getting to do other things with my time! So, I have a couple of updates on my life.

My brother and sister in law moved in for at least a year. It has been quite a change from my previous living arrangements. Before, It was like I had the house to myself. Now, I have to share the space and be quiet at earlier times. It has its benefits. I love spending time with my family and I have the two cutest boys I can play with all day long. I should be studying for the CSET, but I get distracted because of the boys. We watch baby einstein together, dance to strauss, play with water, they have their nude time and sing bingo. We have a party everyday. I have their old queen size bed. It is huge and we had to rearrange my room to fit it in. I can sleep in so many positions now and just spread out. When I have to go back to my other bed, it will be a sad day. Also, I like to just lay there and be lazy at times. I take more naps now all because of this big bed in my room. So, my living arrangements have now changed. P.s. I use my sister in laws kitchen aid. It is amazing. We have my moms really old mixer from her wedding. It still works but I love the kitchen aid.

I am in Strauss Festival! I am dancing polka and waltz. We have a lot of practices, but we have a lot of fun together. I have met a lot of new people and my partner is pretty great. I get to wear pretty dresses with a petticoat and a bustier. Wearing a bustier is so uncomfortable, but it gives you shape so we wear it underneath our dress. I feel like a princess when I am wearing my dress. It is fun to get all dolled up. I am in two numbers. The French Aire number is so fast, but the polka is so much fun at the very end. The other number is with all girls and we are congratulating the love interest in her engagement. The theme is something about Paris. They meet at a party, fall in love and get married....have 10 know it ends, right? We just end with them dancing at the end. I was thinking about the Strauss festival plots. They need to make them more exciting. Make it like a soap opera. Someones sister cheated on someones ex boyfriend who was in prison for murdering their ex-lover. That would be a  more exciting plot line. They are the same plot lines every year. So predictable.

I am attempting to take the CSET. I have decided on a career path finally. I want to be a special education teacher and with work with autism spectrum disabilities specifically. I love my job so much, I want to do it forever! Maybe not forever, but I can't imagine my life without my job. It provides so much meaning and satisfaction in my life. I have to pass the CSET tests to enter the teaching credential program in the winter hopefully. Motivating myself to to study is so hard in the summer. It is nice to have a break.

I went to girls camp again as a 3rd year counselor with my mom. I had one of my friends come, so it was fun to be a counselor. We had such a good time. The theme was Disney princesses, so we had Cinderella. We had to choose her because of shoes. Cinderella is proof that the right pair of shoes can you change your life. This is the reason I love shoes or maybe its just because shoes are adorable. We had a good time at camp with so many funny and spiritual memories. I felt more comfortable being a counselor this year compared to last year. The girls were amazing and inspired me to be better. They were super goofy but made me laugh about their things they would say and do. It reminded me of when I was their age about to enter high school. It is such a exciting and scary time. Now that I look back, I am so glad that this is over, but I did enjoy some memories of my freshman year. Camp was a good experience this summer though. I love being out there in the mountains and not having to worry about daily life. Sometimes not having service can be a blessing because you can focus on what is really important. It gave me a chance to think about others more than myself for the whole week as my focus was on my girls.

I did summer school for the month of June. It was so interesting to work with other team members and I learned a lot about team dynamics. I loved working with the kids. I am realizing all the politics in teaching, but in the end the kids are the most important part about teaching. The kids needs are above mine, so I try to make sure I am focusing on them. I had one kid who specifically became closer to me. He loved my feet. He wanted to take pictures of my feet and roll up my pants to look at my feet. He told me shoes to wear so he could look at my feet. It was hilarious. Working this summer was good to meet new people and learn more about teaching methods and practices.

Other updates:

I signed up for another half marathon. Time to start training again! This one has Johnny Cash music playing as you run. I had to do it. I actually really like training for a half marathon. It motivates me to become more fit and healthier. It is time consuming, but I like the experience of training for a event.

I used my sewing machine to make a skirt. I had my mother help me a lot, but I finally completed a sewing project.

I have been staying up much later than usual with friends. It's summer so I don't have to get up early! Lots of water fights. What is summer without water fights?

I am planning a Disneyland trip :) I haven't been for such a long time.

I am going to concerts as usual. What is summer without concerts? I already saw Backstreet Boys for my birthday. I am seeing Luke Bryan, Demi Lovato, Rascal Flatts and Brad Paisley. It should be fun.

That is pretty much a update of my summer happenings. I am just living in the moment and enjoying my break. I go back to work in a month, so I am soaking up the moment :)


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