Summer of Adventures

I have not written in here all summer long. It really shows how busy I was, but it was definitely a good busy.

I had a great summer full of learning, traveling, new friends and time with family. I really wanted to be a EFY counselor this summer and I interviewed and I was rejected from the job. I was a little heartbroken since I really wanted to travel and be a EFY counselor, but this summer was exactly what I needed. I had lots of opportunities to expand myself and have fun at the same time.

I ended up being in school to get my PPS credential. It is basically a credential to work as a school social worker. The class itself was really interesting, it was on Saturday's all day, but I finished the course work. I am now doing my internship hours, so I can receive my credential when I graduate with my MSW. I did start my internship at the school for students with developmental disabilities and emotional disturbance. I worked there for summer school and I started the school year as a social work intern in the mental health department. It has been eye opening to the world of special education. I thought I knew quite a bit about special education, but this internship has really shown me the realities of special education. I really do love my job though. So, that was a great part of summer to fulfill some academic requirements and get started on my internship. I met a lot of people from the program from the Northern California region. We had our own little lunch group and I got to know some new friends within the school social work field.

As far as traveling, I got to see some of the most beautiful places in the world! I had a 6 week vacation period of summer, so I took advantage of my time and I even left the country (I went to Canada for a day, but I used my passport). I went on a road trip with my old roommate and brother to Glacier National Park. It was a blast and I got to see some of the most beautiful vista points in the world. We ended up going to Glacier for a week, and then went to Waterton for one of those days. This was probably one of my favorite road trips. We ended up taking my little honda civic, but she was great. We had no car problems and she gained a lot of mileage from this trip. Here are some of the pictures from the hikes.

 Grenell Glacier hike, It was probably one of my favorite hikes. The scenario was complete stunning.

 This was Cameron Lake in Waterton, Canada. I wish we spent more time at this lake, since it looked like a perfect place to put your cabin.
 This was our last hike we did, Highland Trail which is on mountain ridge. It was kinda long, but the viewpoints were spectacular. I felt like I was walking in the scenery of the Sound of Music.

So, those are just some of the pictures from the Glacier National Trip. I took way too many pictures, but everything was beautiful. I met so many international tourists on that road trip. Sometimes I like going to National Parks just because I get to meet so many international tourists and get to guess their accents. People are friendlier in National Parks as well, so I love just casually talking with people during hikes. I also fell in love with Montana, the small towns were so cute. I couldn't live in a small town like that but they were adorable. I loved the drive to Glacier National Park as we saw the Montana country side, ranches, Indian reservations and small towns.

My brother came home from his mission from Farmington, New Mexico.

We had the opportunity to go back to his mission and visit people he used to teach on his mission. I loved going to the four corners area, since the area is so unique and stunning. We were able to spend a day in the Grand Canyon, Mesa Verde, Farmington, Cortez and some other Indian reservations he served on. Here are some pictures from our trip!
 We visited the North Rim, but I would love to go back again to see the South Rim.

 This is Horse Shoe Bend in Paige, Arizona. We were rushing to get there at sunset, and we barely made it.

 We heard about this from someone in Tyler's mission, so we decided we had to go see it! It is the corner of Winslow, Arizona and it is referenced in the song Take it Easy by The Eagles.

Those were my road trips, I traveled to Canada, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona! It was definitely a lot of time spent in the car, but I really do find long road trips relaxing.

School has started and I am a MSW II. This upcoming year is a little intense but I am looking forward to graduation. It is crazy to think that after this school year ends, I will be a MSW graduate. I remember thinking about how it would take forever to graduate from grad school, but time flies. I am enjoying my classes and having to balance my time. There is a lot on your plate as a MSW II,but you just have to remind yourself that the end of the tunnel is coming up. It keeps you going through when you are writing your thesis and getting your internship hours completed.

Lastly, I have been called as the Stake Young Women Secretary over a month ago. That calling took me by complete surprise but I am excited to get more involved. I chaperoned my first youth dance, and I did not feel like a adult leader. I was at the sign in table and It kept bringing me back to my days of being a youth. It really wasn't that long ago, but It's fun to be with the youth.

That's pretty much a update on my life. I will try to blog about my life on a more regular basis when I have time.


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