Sometimes you need to simply watch Hallmark movies

This weekend I was forced to slow down and relax. Everyone around me has been sick and I was just lucky to not get it from them. Well, this weekend was my not so lucky weekend, but I have watched quite a few cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies. Let me tell you, I actually like them. They are all really cheesy and extremely predictable but I adore them. They are a great escape from reality sometimes.

Anyways, things have been going. When I say that they have been going, I mean that time is flying and I am constantly trying to keep up with things. This semester has been pretty fast and I only have two or three weeks and then I have one more semester until I graduate. Sometimes I have to do a reality check because I feel like I just got accepted into the graduate program.

My thesis keeps me busy as my partner and I meet weekly to "perfect" our thesis. I have learned from this process that I do not want to get my Ph D anytime soon.  I thought that the thesis project would be exciting and fun but it is exhausting. We are writing out thesis on burnout in social workers, which is very applicable and ironic. We feel very burnt out as we write our thesis on burnout. (talk about real life experience). I am learning a lot through this entire process and seeing how much hard work is put into one paper. Sometimes it feels like my thesis is my life, but I will be grateful when we are finished! If anyone wants to talk about burnout and compassion fatigue, I am right here. One good thing I have learned about is the importance of implementing self care! We all learn about self care but no one actually uses it because they don't have time. This year of graduate school, I have been better about making time for self care and relationships. I can tell that I am a happier because I have more of a boundary between my work and social life. I can actually relax on the weekend and not worry about things that happened throughout the week.

I am now embracing the thought of post graduate school life as I graduate in May. I am realizing that there is a end to my current routine right now. It gives me hope to know that my life will not be as hectic as it is right now. It also makes me a little fearful because I am pretty good at school. I can read textbooks, write papers and go to class. I got that routine down, but this upcoming routine is unknown. It's like you dream about the future but when it actually comes, you don't know what to do with it. I know that I want to move but I am not sure where. I am completely open to new places. The one thing I know is that I want to work within special education because that is where my passion truly lies. I really love my current job, but I know that I don't want to live at home after I graduate. So, that is kinda exciting and scary at the same time.

And guess what? Thanksgiving break is next week, which means I can eat a lot of food and not feel guilty. We watch lots of football, the dog show, Thanksgiving parade and then eat and talk all night long. Every year we have way too many pies and end up making a "sampler" plate which means you take one of every pie and say that they will be small slices...but everyone knows that they are not going to be small. And then I have finals and then I have Christmas break! I can indulge in my love for old movies and Frank Sinatra. I am somewhat of a old soul. Most people my age do not love watching Gene Kelly, Frank Sinatra and Cary Grant on a weekend night, but it is one of my favorite things. I was definitely born into the wrong decade.

So, everyone enjoy their Thanksgiving holiday. Make sure to count your blessings and enjoy time with your family.


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