I miss blogging

I realized again that I have not been blogging consistently even since I went to graduate school. I miss blogging. I have realized that blogging is such a therapeutic thing for me and I have been neglecting that part of my life. So I am now making a written commitment for the world to see here that I will blog more about my life.

My life has been happening, you can say. I work full time now as a mental health therapist for a school district and I actually have time to have hobbies and spend time with friends. I decided that I wanted a new hobby and challenge myself so I picked up the violin. The violin is a hard instrument and I should practice more but I love playing it. It is one of those instruments that I have always wanted to learn but never had the time. When I had no excuse to start it, I figured it was time to do it. I also have been indulging in music more often and I love it! I have decided that if I didn't become a therapist, I would then want to do music.

I fill up my time planning my trip to England this summer. Yes, you heard me, I am going to England! I bought my ticket a while ago and ever since then, the only shows I watch are British. Currently. I am obsessed with the Great British Baking Show. I want to make every british pastry and then talk like them as Paul and Mary critique my food. Except Paul would probably rip apart my end result of a pastry, so lets not have him critique my food. I watch lots of time period dramas and I am in love with Sherlock. I haven't watched an american tv shows for a while. During that trip, we are planning to go to Ireland as well, which I have started learning about the Irish history, since I know little about it. I feel like me and Tom on Downton Abbey would get along as I learn about the Irish history. My respect for that character has increased since I have been planning my Dublin trip. I am excited to go to a pub and watch some Irish dancing.

My work schedule is fantastic and it allows me to take some time and travel! I recently visited one of my friends in Washington DC and New York and that trip was a blast. We went to a broadway play (Great Comet of 1812) in New York City. I was a little skeptical of the show since it has a interesting music but it is based off War and Peace and has a heavy russian theme with the music composition.

We stayed the night in New York City and one of my favorite things was exploring Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. Ellis Island was so fascinating and full of history. I feel like in general there is so much to see if you like american history. One thing I would like to do is go on a food tour in New York City since we ate way too much food but wanted to eat more. I ate the best cookie in my life at Levain Bakery. Apparently, it is Taylor Swift endorsed and I agree with her whole heartily. Washington DC was beautiful and I saw the cherry blossoms just right in time; First time that i have ever seen them blossom when I was there and walking around the monuments at night was beautiful. I think my favorite monument was Thomas Jefferson with all the cherry blossoms around it. Overall, that trip was wonderful and I had no desire to come back home.

My friend is graduating from the same social work grad program I went to and she chose to celebrate by seeing Celine Dion again (our second annual trip). We brought along a new friend who hadn't seen her and told her this trip would change her life for the better and she agreed after we saw her. I actually hate going to Vegas, although the strip could be fun for limited time. The only reason I will go to Vegas is to go see Celine Dion though, her voice is on point and her sense of humor is my favorite. I watch her and I feel like I just gained a new best friend who can sing and dance with me with glittery dresses.

My first year of working is coming towards a year soon which means that I have been graduated from Sacramento State for a year. It feels like it has been a long time since I graduated but I love the working life. It was a bit of an adjustment but being able to practice what I learned everyday has been more than I could imagine. I come home from days like today (which was chaos) but realize why I love my job is that I am a part of kids lifes and hopefully am a positive influence. That's the goal of every therapist that they can impart some change in their client by providing a service. Some days it feels like my work leads to nothing, but others I see improvement.

So, this is my really long summary of my life (not that it is possible to summarize everything). I now commit to actually blog more. Be expecting some great posts that will make you laugh, cry or maybe not react. I won't be offended in however you react to my posts.


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