Time Flies by Tooooooo Fast

I remembered I used to blog and then again I remembered how much I enjoyed it. I know I have said this before many a times but I really do miss blogging. 

My life has been....busy and great and full of wonderful things recently.

I am almost done collecting my hours toward licensure so I can start studying to take my LCSW exam (that is not the wonderful part). The wonderful part is that I am one step closer to getting my license. I always imagined that the time to collect my hours toward getting my license would take a long time but like my title said, where did the time go? And the time has been so helpful in gaining more understanding about various skills and applying theory when meeting with clients. I have felt no rush to become licensed since I sometimes wish I could stay unlicensed for the majority of my life. No license on the line when you are supervising interns. But...I do want to get licensed.

For those of who you don't know, you need 3200 hours in order to be able to take your clinical exam AFTER getting your masters degree. It is a lot of work, let me tell you...but it will all be worth it in the end. And the test is extremely hard. My coworkers are studying for it right now and it is not motivating me to want to study but I know need to.

I am still at my job and this is my third year and I am still loving it. I love my schedule. I love my interactions with my students (for the majority of the time) and I have realized the amazing opportunity to provide mental health for students in a school district. I am convinced that I get to see kids in such a unique way because of the school setting that you develop a relationship with them quickly and you really get to know them to the core. That is my favorite part, I love once you get to the point where you really understand them and their motives.

Enough about work....

I do get to travel which is one of my favorite things to do in the world. Meaning traveling the world :)

I am going to be in France in exactly two weeks again (this is the second time of going to France this year). I find cheap flights and just book them. I love love love love France.

 You know, I still love England and everything british, but France is beautiful and the culture is so different. The language barrier can be difficult especially once you leave Paris. You can get around in Paris speaking english and they will communicate with you and be nice (as long as you try to speak in french). This time I am seeing a different region of France than my first trip and then I feel like I have covered the whole country and I highly reccommend leaving Paris and seeing the countryside and the French Riveria. That was my favorite part seeing the countryside of France.

What else?

My summer was busy. July (my month off) was full of trips. I was home from about half the month maybe and then I was in the mountains. I had Girls Camp and I was a stake leader again and then went camping with my friend's family and then my annual family camping trip to Tahoe.

A couple things I realized from my camping trips:
  • Disconnecting from technology is a must. It was nice to turn off my phone and not worry about anything. I woke up and just focused on the people who were camping with me and we just enjoyed being outside. One camping trip was in Bishop and I had no service for 3 days..It might have been nice to have showers...but you know. It was so refreshing to not even have my phone on at all. The stars were supposed to be amazing and clear when we were there but it had a hailing/thunderstorm and the skies were cloudy for the majority of the trip. When you are stuck in a large tent with people for a couple of hours, you connect very quickly since there is no where else to go unless you want to get pounded with hail.
  • I love showers. I love clean water. I love my bed. After camping for about half of the month, my nights on my bed were simply divine. I was not on an air mattress that would deflate throughout the night (although I actually love camping).
  • I realized how much of a "mountain girl" I am. One night in specific, we were making tin foil dinners and we were making the fire and then there was a beautful view on the mountain we were on of the sunset. I felt like I was home and that was what I needed to reset fom the end of my school year.  The mountains were what I needed to become more grounded.
  • It was nice to not care about my physical appearance. No make up for half of the month was refreshing. I like getting dolled up at times but it was so nice to just be make up free.

That was my July for the majority of the month...

I started my third year of working for the school district and now its back to the grind (besides my upcoming trip).

And that is about the "major" events in my life. I still am a concert junkie. I still watch Cary Grant movies when I get the chance. Even since going to Monaco, my dream of becoming Grace Kelly has become bigger. Who wouldn't marry the Prince of Monaco (well there needs to be love involved). I have developed a love of flowers since I visited Nice. In Nice, they have the most beautiful flowers and I just want to have them all. I think that is about it.

I will attempt to blog more since I do miss blogging.


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