I had the best day today.

Seriously, I really did. First, I have been wanting to TA for Psychology of Gender since it has been my favorite class. I love the teacher and the content (not the exams) but I got the position! I have heard that the teacher is really picky so I am lucky that she picked me! Plus I can get my foundation capstone for my senior year for that . That was a tiny miracle in my life. I was so afraid of not being able to make connections with the teachers and having research positions and teaching positions but everything is working out :)

Anyways, my day was wonderful because of a breakthrough I experienced. I realized that nothing is wrong with me. You know how people tell you things but you don't believe them? They will try to comfort you but the problem still exists. I can finally say that I can move on from my past hurt. Here is how it happened: I was watching this therapy session where she was talking about something I have experienced and then she said something that struck me. I have heard it before several times from numerous people, so I don't know why today was the lucky day where I could let go. It was such a amazing feeling to let go of my hurt and forgive. I was able to understand the situation completely and realize that there was nothing that I did to cause the problem.

Funny, how I thought I was in a good position with my heart until today. I realized that I was closed off completely with guys without knowing I was. I think I can finally let someone in and have full confidence. This burden was off my chest. I don't want to go into the details because it is too private, but I can just say it has been one of my best days where I could smile and know that everything is okay.

Sometimes, I guess we all need a little therapy. Funny how this job has helped me academically, financially and emotionally. I would have to say this job was needed! I am so grateful for my life is panning out. Life does bring  unexpected miracles in your way :)


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