What is your positive in your day?

Today in my Psych 101 class, they talked about health and social psychology. I am a social psychology emphasis for my cluster because I love my social psych classes. Anyways, one of the research studies performed was about gratitude journals and journals in general. Did you know that writing a gratitude journal increases your health and longevity? The research claims that writing in your journal will lengthen your life by three years.

It makes you think about when the prophets talk about the important of gratitude and writing the "hand of the Lord" in your life journal has spiritual and health benefits.

Anyways, this is my new goal. Find something positive each day that occurred and write about it.

Today, I had a good day. I went to the Psi Chi Induction dinner where I officially became a member. The Psi Chi is a international psychology honor society where you have to be in the top 35 percent of the students in your major. It is a way to network, have leadership positions and prepare for grad school. This is one of the reasons why I wanted to go to BYU to join the Psi Chi. They fed us some great food and we just talked in our groups. Two of the students just got accepted into the BYU Social Work and MFT program. They have a GRE study group weekly that I will probably join because the GRE is coming up soon whether or not I like it.

Also, I talked to a friend in the Social Work graduate program right now and she gave me some advice. I guess recently I have been thinking a lot about my future with grad school. I feel like I am in a good place with my research and teaching positions. I just need to look for internships and volunteer opportunities. The hardest thing about grad school is being pro-active and networking. You can't go to grad school without networking.

Anyways, my positive experience of the day was my Psi Chi induction dinner where I got to bring home food after! I am grateful for the opportunity to be at BYU and have these amazing experiences and my job.

Today, I was thinking about the fear I had in October while waiting to see If I would be accepted. I was so afraid I wouldn't be able to make friends, find a job and be able to be competitive for grad school. I know that I am in the right place. I couldn't be doing anything more than I am doing right now. It is a good feeling to know that things work out. I couldn't imagine myself having these amazing opportunities that I have now (even if I get frustrated over poorly written tests- Psychological testing has made me critical of different forms of test). I always take a test and think of the validity and item discrimination of each form of question. If you don't want to be critical of tests, then don't take Psychological testing!


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