And spring begins...

So, today was first classes of spring semester at BYU. I am taking Psychological Stats and Family Processes. The workload won't be too much and the teachers seem really nice and flexible. I think one of the coolest part of my day was meeting with my professor I am doing research with. I am not sure if I have written about my research job but I am writing a research report on attitudes on marriage in LDS young adults. The research report will contribute to a book that will hopefully be published about marriage preparation and transition. I love this area of research because I am fascinated in what keeps relationship healthy and happy. I think the work I will be doing will keep me busy enough with two research jobs on campus! And then I will be helping teaching GRE study groups with Psi Chi. It is safe to say that research and psychology is taking over my life sometimes...but there is hope :)

For my brother's birthday, we went on the rooftop and listened to his friend play guitar, laughed, sang and danced (well we can say, I did that but my brother didn't). It was like one of those nights that was carefree. I really felt like summer was here just relaxing on the rooftop with no cares. I haven't had that feeling for a while until after finals. Seriously after finals, I felt like my life was just uplifted. I felt like I was just enjoying the night laying on the blanket on top of the roof.

I think I found my ideal date from this experience: Rooftop, guitar serenading, slow dancing, Martinelli's, picnic, stargazing. Seriously that would the cheapest and most "hopeless romantic" date I could possibly think of. If my future husband is reading this, take notes ;)

Well, I have a good feeling about this spring!


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