Whats your passion?

I have discovered so many things about learning this semester. The most important thing you can do in life is to find your passion and live it. I think I have found mine and my life is forever changed! I remember my dad telling me that I needed to find my passion and just follow it. The thing about passion is that only you can know what your passion is. Even if your parents are dancers, your passion may be archaeology.

The question is how do you find your passion?
My answer is simply living and asking questions. You just try new things. Take different classes. When learning and living seems natural and easy, you have found your passion. When work and classes are exciting to you and you don't dread them, you have found your passion. And then life is exciting. You have something to live for because you are passionate.

College is hard and stressful. There are numerous strains that you can't control, so that's why finding your passion is really important. So keep looking if you haven't found it and be willing to explore as you search.

Learning without passion is impossible. I feel like a prerequisite to learning is passion. Just like how reliability is essential to have validity in research.

So this is my thought of the day. Happy searching!


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