Sad, Happy, Confused, Ready

Today I am sad. I haven't been sad for a long time. I don't know what to do with this thing called change. It is a good thing. I am so excited to go serve a mission in Argentina. I am so sad to leave Provo. I just had my last work meeting for my research job. I normally am late for each meeting and it is just another thing in my schedule. This meeting was very different though. I went in and we reviewed our SEM model for marriage readiness predictors. We talked about how we are going to fix the mistakes. And then he said it: "we are done". I just sat there in shock and realized we are done. I have been in denial that I am graduating college. I have been so excited to not write papers and read textbooks. The thing is I love college. I will miss college so much. I love the challenges that I have from taking a new course and learning something I had never heard about. I love meeting new people and have the social scene because everyone is your neighbor. I love being able to walk on campus and know my friends. I love having the spirit daily because the campus is really unique. I love my research job and the opportunities I have had to grown. I love my teaching job and being able to teach about the subject I am most passionate about. I love having my friends near me and just walking a door away and having a friend there. I love my ward and how everyone is so talented and impresses me in their skills. I love everything about college. Even though I do have senioritis, I am so sad that I am done.

It just hit me when I was walking home today that I was sad. I am making a new path by going to Argentina. This new adventure is so exciting but still it is change. Like my professor said, "we are done'", class of 2013. What do you do with yourself with you have reached this goal? You dream about the day when you are about to graduate from college. You wish for graduation to come sooner than later. It finally comes and then you just stand there in shock.

I remember High School graduation, I felt a similar feeling to this. Now, I feel a much stronger feeling that it is coming to a end. But the more I look at it, it is not a end but more of a beginning. The beginning of new friendships, relationships, opportunities, challenges, adventures and life.

I think the one thing that I most treasure from college is this quote: "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free". I don't know who said it and I could look it, but I am too lazy unfortunately. Sorry. But, it is very true. The more I have learned, the quality of my life has improved. I have learned to love life and understand things in deeper ways. I have learned that knowledge truly is a power. We are here on earth to learn. Learning is not a event, it is a lifelong process. We will continually learn and become better. I can't wait to start this lifelong process of learning as the truth will set me free.

So, I guess I am not sad. I am ready for change. It is a new adventure. Argentina, going back home to Elk Grove and entering into the MTC. My life is exciting because of these changes. So, graduate class of 2013, embrace the change and let it change you for the better.


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