Kids Say the Funniest Things

I have interacted with kids more than people my age sometimes in the last couple of months. I love kids. They really do say the funniest things. The one thing I don't like about working with kids is their inability to  not cough at you. They love to touch you and share your germs with you.  But, nonetheless, they are adorable.

So, I will tell you some of my funny conversations I have had with children.

Me (after seeing a kid crying): What's wrong?
Boy: I am sad.
Me: Why?
Boy: My girlfriend just broke up with me (he is 4 years old, how do you even have a boyfriend/girlfriend?)
Me: Do you want a hug?
Boy: Yeah ( I give him a hug). She is right there. She moved on and likes another boy.
Me: I am sorry.
Boy: She only likes him for his lego shirt.

So, lesson learned...sometimes lego shirts are the way to go when you are trying to catch someone's eye?

Another conversation,

Boy 1: Do you have any allergies?
Me: Yes, I am allergic to some fruit.
 Boy 1: Are you allergic to pineapple?
Me: Sometimes, but I still eat it.
Boy 2: Don't live in Hawaii, because all food in Hawaii is made out of pineapple. You would be sad if you lived in Hawaii and were allergic to pineapple (he does have a valid point).
Me: Well, I don't plan on living in Hawaii anytime soon.
Boy 2: What if planes in Hawaii were made out of pineapple?
Me: That would be cool.
Boy 1: Yeah, and what if the wires were made of licorice? It would be a candy plane. You could fly on the plane and eat it at the same time.
Me: Yeah, you boys should look into making a plane like that.

Lesson learned: Anything with sugar is great.

Boy: Guess where I went two days ago?
Me: The zoo?
Boy: No
Me: The mall?
Boy: No
Me: The state fair?
Boy: Yeah, how did you know? Did you see me there with my mom? How come you didn't say hi to me?
Me: No, I didn't see you there, but I was just there a couple of days ago. What did you see the county fair?
Boy: My favorite part was this bug that was flying around my head.

Lesson learned: Boys don't need the state fair to be amused. Just put them in your backyard with bugs and they will be fascinated. We spend so much money to enertain children when they have their imagination and fun in inexpensive ways as well.

I was meeting my 3rd grade classroom and a couple of kids came up and talked with me. Kids are very curious and want to ask you lots of questions.

Kid 1: Do you work here?
Kid 2: What is your favorite type of ice cream?
Kid 3: What is your name?
Kid 4: Do you speak spanish?
Me: No, I don't speak spanish.
Kid 4: Well, you look like you speak spanish.

Really, a blue eyed blonde looks like she speaks spanish?  I have never been told that I look like I speak spanish before.

So, the ultimate lesson is that kids say the funniest things. Do you remember that show with Bill Crosbry? Kids are the real comedians. I will write more about my funny conversations with the kids I work with. 


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