Finding My Place in the World

It is so easy to feel lost in this world.  I know that it is easy to doubt if you even have a purpose in your existence. We put a "identity" on us individually and that gives us a sense of temporary meaning. For example, we put a identity as a student and that is what we are. As a student, your goals and duties are clear. Do your homework. Write your paper. Go to class. It is crystal clear. What do you do once you are no longer a student? We put a identity as a mother. A mother raises her children, feeds them, reads them books, helps them with their homework. The kids grow up and then they feel like they are no longer a mother. They feel like they have lost their identity.

Have you ever felt like you lost your identity or place in the world? Once I postponed my mission, I had no idea what my "identity" or place in the world was. I was simply a unemployed college graduate. I was going to be Hermana Jensen. I had a daily schedule that was made for me. Life was going to be consistent. There was going to be purpose everyday as I would have invited others to Christ through teaching them lessons . I gave that away, leaving me with what I felt, no identity. 

I felt really lost after I postponed my mission as I had no idea what to do. Do I move back to Provo? Where should I work? It was a confusing time as I was trying to find my place in the world. I still don't feel like I have a "place in the world yet". But, I feel like things are coming together once again. When I start questioning myself, I am simply reminded of the basic parts of the gospel. 

I have learned a lot about identity in the last couple of months. We put titles as a part of identity. People identify themselves as a student, friend, girlfriend/boyfriend, working professional and many more titles. You can identify yourself as nearly anything. I am learning the importance of really understanding my identity. Yes, I am a paraeducator for the school district. I am a volunteer for the Food Bank. I am a BYU alumni (it sounds so weird!). All of these titles don't matter in the end. 

I am learning about the importance of the title as a daughter of God. No other title brings the greatest joy. No other title gives me more purpose. All other titles seem to end. When you think about identity, the most important title you can have is one of father and mother. The more I study about the church, I realize how the family is the foundation. In the family, parents and children learn as they make mistakes and forgive one another. There is no perfect person in a family as the family tries to improve daily individually and collectively.  I was focusing so much on my past "identities" that I forgot my true identity and purpose in life. I am a daughter of God and that is what is the most important. 

So, my point in this blog is go back to the basics. I am a child of God. You are a child of God. Sometimes we feel lost in the world because we forget who we are. If we remembered that we were children of God at all times, I think we would live our lives differently. It is interesting how we learn the most important concepts in primary, when we are really young. We learn the basic concepts that give us our foundation. Once we become older, we focus so much on deeper doctrine or on the details. Why do we forget the basics?

I don't know how many of you even read my blog, but I hope that you can gain something from my rambling. I know that I can feel lost in this world as I am making important decisions regarding the present and the future. The most comforting thing that I know is that I don't have to decide everything right now. It can be frustrating, but God helps me make my decisions step by step. , I don't need to know everything right now. I am not expected a layout for every decision I will be making the next 10 years. Finding my place in this world is a journey. It is a constant journey as we are always changing. I don't want people to feel frustrated with their spot in life and give up. Just because there is constant fluctuation and sometimes confusion, doesn't mean that we are not loved and that there is no purpose. There is purpose and a place for us. We just have to do our "research" and give it time. 


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