My recent happenings

I shouldn't be writing anyways because I will regret it tomorrow morning when I am exhausted, but I am going to do it anyways :) I haven't blogged and I feel like I have so many thoughts I can share about so many topics. My life hasn't been happening but I have had so many learning experiences lately. My work has been challenging when I am working in a autistic classroom but it has been the best experience to test my skills out. I am learning about myself and opening my eyes to the world of autism. It is such a interesting world and I love learning about the children everyday. Everyday is trial and error as we do our best to find solutions to the children's needs and problems. But I am going to try to compile all my lessons from the last couple of weeks.

1. Autism is fascinating. Every child on the spectrum is so different. I love how every child has a different "obsession" and they become a master on it. I come home and I feel autistic as I want to repeat everything they say. I have the funniest stories about these children. They make me laugh everyday. 

2. I have seen the boy who I am a one-on-one aid nude everyday it feels like. Sometimes when you get a job, you just never know what will happen? You may be in the bathroom trying to encourage them to put their clothes on. He dosen't understand why he can't be nude at school. I try to explain to him why clothes are necessary but some lessons are hard to learn. I am glad that I never had trouble with keeping my clothes on at school. That would be one awkward phone call. 

3. This boy needs to be a football player. He is a runner. He loves to run out of the classroom and I chase him. I am paid to chase boys. Isn't it the best job? I had done it all the time before but now I get a paycheck into my bank account. But, seriously this boy is fast. He loves to run to the park and I can't seem to catch up to him. I have to block the door and then somehow he finds a way to escape while I just look at him in amazement. How did he do that? Then he doesn't get up, so I just have to wait until he wants to leave the park. I have spent lots of time in the park and the hallway trying to encourage him to go in the classroom. 

4. I am learning that I like the challenge. This job is emotionally and physically challenging. I have been physically injured and feared that I would be hit multiple times. I can't imagine myself in a boring computer job though. Working with these children provide a tough environment but it is making my grow so much. 

5. I read the Book of Mormon during break time and it is the best thing for me. I don't have time in the morning and I am too tired to do it at night after I get home from a activity. I have a 45 minute break, so I eat my lunch and have 15-20 minutes to read by myself. I am learning to love 2 Nephi as I am seeing all the prophecies come true. It is cool. So, this job has been good with encouraging me to read my scriptures. Sometimes I feel like I can't finish the day when the kids are having a hard day until I read my scriptures during break. I know that it sounds really cheesy, but I am always reminded at my break that these children are children of God. I know that I can love him them after I read the Book of Mormon. I am learning to see these autistic children through God's eyes. Once I see them through that perspective, I see their behavior as funny rather than annoying. I have more patience with them. It really is a miracle. 

6. I am staring to find my place in the world as a paraeducator, friend and daughter. My life is much different than I ever would expect, but I am happy with where I am at. God really is aware of what is best for you. I don't know exactly why I was supposed to come home. I love my job and who knows if I would of gotten it if I stayed in Provo? I have been thinking about my decision to postpone my mission but I know I made the right decision. There are so many good things that have happened since my decision to start my mission papers and postpone my mission. 

7. I am in the Relief Society presidency. I love my calling as I am learning a lot about leadership and love. I am in charge of activities which is much different for me, but I planned a hoedown and another picnic this week. I see the girls differently now that I am in the presidency. I am the same person but I just have a different set of "eyes". 

But, like I said there hasn't been BIG news. My life is slowly coming around though. New beginnings are exciting sometimes. 


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