How do you handle stressful situations?

So, it is a simple question with complex answers. Everyone has different responses to stress in their lives. A few examples inlcude: crying, drugs, addictions, talking about it, singing about it, exercising, eating and praying. There are so many ways that people handle stress successfully and unsuccessfully.

I can't say that I am successful at handling stress but I am improving from my job. The funny thing about stress is that different people have different reactions to the same situation. For example, one person may react with having a drink to calm themselves down from a job loss compared to someone who views it as a learning opportunity. Finding the best way to react to a stressful situtation is a very important skill to be happy and move forward when you are down.

Stress can be a very healthy thing in your life. It is called eustress. Eustress comes from stress from happy events. Marriage is a good thing yet it brings stress. The stress that comes from it can be good. We need stress in our life to grow. Have you ever felt content in your life? Everything going well? Well, you have no motivation to push yourself for more growth, right? That is when stress should come in to motivate you to change. Taking a test can be stressful. You have a desire to do well. You want that A. You have to work and study for that A. Stress will push you to study. If you are content, then you won't study and are more likely to not receive the grade you want. So, recognize that stress may be helping you in life to progress.

Working with autistic children, I have to be careful in how I react to stressful situations. Autistic children read through you and they know how you are feeling. If you show any sign of fear or anger, they will react to that. Learning how to monitor your own emotions and hide a negative emotion is a hard skill to learn. One of my kids really makes me want to punch a pillow sometimes. I usually don't become angry, but his disrespect can make me angry. I have been called swear words and have been threatened daily by him. Learning how to react in a positive way to negative behavior has been stressful to me. I have to smile while I am thinking..."you outta learn boy"...haha.

Also, today I had a very stressful situation. I was handling a behavior with one kid. I was trying to calm him down and prevent aggression. While behind me, a child was trying to choke themselves with a baby bib. Luckily the teacher saw them and took away the rag. I was watching as he was red and coughing because he was choking himself. I still had to deal with another behavior. This was just one example of a situation I am in at work.

I am learning the importance of acting quickly but not doing the first thought. My first thought and reaction are most often not the best response. I have a breathing moment. Think of what is the best. Make a quick decision. Trust my judgment and act. It may not be the best decision but sometimes working with autistic children, you need to act quickly in a stressful situation.

So, my main point is to figure out how you handle a stressful situation and evaluate if you need to change it. Let stress help you in your life instead of hurt you.


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