You don't know your influence on others

I have had numerous experiences in my life where others have come up to me and thanked me for helping them when I had no idea that I did anything. Even though it may sound like I am trying to make myself sound good, I am just trying to point out that you don't know the influence you have.

When you are in service, you won't know your influence on others. The amazing thing about service is that it can be the smallest thing. It sounds cheesy, but a simple smile can mean the world to someone else. Just listening to someone talk about their day may be service to someone who feels lonely. You don't even have to respond, simply being there in the moment is all they need. A hug can be a answer to a prayer for someone who needs to feel love. A kind word is all that it is needed to someone who is struggling to like themselves. That sounds weird, but there are a lot of people who are not happy with who they are. They wish they could change themselves or they think they are not meeting their own or the world's standard of "perfection".

My philosophy on service is just to do it. Just like Nike's, "Do it". It really is that simple. Do it all the time. Everyday. Do it without thought of yourself. A lot of times people ask, "What's in it for me?". Why ask that question? Service isn't about you. Service is about helping the other people around you. Service is doing a task whether or not the person notices it.

From watching other people, people do observe when you serve. You won't be complimented or praised every time that you serve someone. That is not the point of service though. If you are doing service for that reason, you should think twice about your intentions.

On a positive note, you have a effect on others. It is amazing the potential you have to uplift and strengthen others. Take advantage of your influence and use it for good. Be the person that others can count on to have a helping hand. Nothing is more rewarding than serving others.

Serving others may be difficult as you are dealing with other's problems. You may not have the perfect solution to their problem. That is okay. Simply trying and being there is the first step to service. That makes all the world to someone to know that someone is trying to help them. Someone cares enough to help them.

So, get off your chair and find someone who needs a helping hand. There are lots of people around you who need help. I promise you that the experience of serving others will be rewarding to you. Utilize your power for good.


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