The finish of my "gratitude' month

So, I didn't finish my month of being thankful. Better late then never? I had a hard time being grateful the last month of the year. I had the flu on my week of vacation. Really? Is that a curse? I was mad because it was my vacation time and I had the flu. But, I did learn a lot from it and it gave me some new perspective in a way. Let me finish my things I am grateful for.

Day 17: Settlers of Catan. I can beat my brothers like no other unless they team up agaisnt me.
Day 18: Ginger ale. I drank so much of it when I was sick and it definitely helped.
Day 19: The season of gift giving. It is the time where we think less of ourselves and more about others. Can we do it more than just the holiday season?
Day 20: The temple. I haven't been there in a while and I miss it. I love the feeling when you know that Heavenly Father is close to you and loves you. It is the place where I feel happiness on this earth.
Day 21: My nephews. I love watching them change everyday. They are learning how to walk and talk. They model your behavior and copy the noises you make. Nothing cuter than my nephews.
Day 22: The Sacramento Zoo. We did our traditional Christmas Eve holiday tradition at the zoo. Nothing like watching the animals on Christmas Eve. It is funny how it is our family traition. I couldn't imagine Christmas without it.
Day 23: Sleep. When I was sick, I slept a lot. I needed the sleep to get over the sickness and it was really nice. What would we do without sleep?
Day 24: Joseph and Mary. They were not afraid and followed God's commandments and brought the Savior into the world. What a beautiful event.
Day 25: The end of college football bowl games. I am tired of football. I do love sports, but I have watched so many games in the last couple of weeks. I am tired of it, which I am glad that it is almost over.
Day 26: My professors and mentors! They are writing me letters of recommendations for my graduate school applications, and are so willing to help.
Day 27: California. I love living in California and all the beautiful sunshine we receive. I have been watching weather around me and I am grateful that it is sunny here.
Day 28: My ukulele. I got one for Christmas and I love playing it. I am learning strum patterns but it is really fun to learn a new instrument.
Day 29: Walt Disney. I have learned a lot about him over the break as I went to the Walt Disney Family Museum and I saw Saving Mr. Banks. He was a incredible man with visionary dreams. He makes so many people dreams come true because of his hard work.
Day 30: San Fransisco. Every time I go to that town, I am reminded of the fact that it is so unique and beautiful. I love the fact that it is so close and I can experience new things every time I go.
Day 31: A new year, 2014. A new year, new changes, new adventures and experiences.


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