Truth Comes From One Source

I am so grateful for my education that I received at BYU. As I have reflected on my experiences since I have stated my masters program at Sacramento State, I have realized all the valuable lessons I learned there. One of the most important lessons is that all truth comes from one source. Truth comes from a loving Heavenly Father who values our education.

As some people know before most classes at BYU, we pray to invite the spirit to help us in our learning process. Because of the incorporation of the spirit, we combine secular and spiritual knowledge. It was a repeated occasion that I would walk away from a lecture with both spiritual insights and knowledge concerning my major. I took this for granted since it was almost a daily occasion.

Now that I attend a state school where my religious beliefs are not connected within secular knowledge, I miss the opportunity to vocalize how my secular knowledge connects with my religious beliefs. I try to find connections between the two and share with them with my family, but it is insightful when you can do this in a classroom.

When we realize how all truth comes from God, our lives begin to have so much more meaning. We see God in a different way. He is a loving God who sent his son down in order to help us return. Additionally, God is a intelligent man with a plan. His plan includes us gaining education in all kinds of truth. We are commanded to learn about all forms of living within various sciences. We can look at this responsibility and overlook it. Another option is to become like God through obtaining education,

I am not trying to advocate for everyone to attend BYU or receive a formal education. I believe education can be done through various ways. We can gain education through God, formal or informal education. The important part is that all comes from one source.

Some people may call me a nerd, I call myself a lifelong learner. I like to challenge myself and learn about ideas, people and theories. This world is full of knowledge intended for us to learn and apply to better ourselves and then better the world. I believe this is why we are commanded to obtain knowledge in our time on Earth.

We live in a time where there is so much opportunity to learn. How lucky we are that we can have so much secular and spiritual knowledge so easily accessible. Let's take advantage of all this knowledge at our fingertips and use it! After all, we are following god's commandment by seeking knowledge. This is one of my biggest blessings in my life. I hope we can take advantage of it!


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