The Only Time I Like to Clean The Bathroom

So, I have learned something kinda funny throughout this whole process of making decisions for next fall. I have learned how I deal with stress, anger, frustration and anxiety. I clean. I organize. I do my laundry. I clean my bathroom. I do anything that is productive besides the actual thing I need to do. Avoidance is a great technique.

Today, I had a stressful interaction with a teacher again. I am in the process of picking my thesis advisor. I have a partner for a thesis and we want to write our thesis on how income level affects education obtainment. I am actually really interested in this topic, and I am kinda excited to go through this crazy process of writing a thesis. Anyways, I may be stuck with a thesis advisor who doesn't really care about my topic, which is really frustrating. I was driving home angry. I realized that my car needed a oil change. Instead of doing homework and thinking more about this problem, I thought it would be better to work on cleaning, vacuuming, washing and getting my oil checked. My car is really clean right now. It looks all shiny and new. It is a good feeling to look at it. After I cleaned my car, I cleaned my room. I did the dishes. I organized my closet.  It was a productive day.

So, I have learned that I am good at the art of procrastination. If I am being productive in other parts of my life, then I feel like I am progressing at something in my life. Also, having the distraction keeps me busy and working on another project.  Looking at my car clean, I can look and see that my work actually lead to some type of growth. I think it is hard to see our growth and progress when we are in the "unknown". The reason I like to clean the bathroom and do these activities is because I can actually see change.

So, cheers to self awareness! Cheers to clean bathrooms, vacuumed cars, organized closets and clean dishes. Maybe this stress and frustration can lead to good things like having a clean room and car. Sometimes I try to find the simple things in life that are positive, when I am not feeling good. Sometimes all it takes is the fact that my laundry is done to make my think that I can keep moving forward.


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