It all comes together :)

I have been confused for the last month or two regarding my future employment and internship. This whole not knowing where I was going to end up was making me really stressed out, but I am so happy that things are finally working out and coming together. 

Do you want to hear my happy news? 

I feel like my social work identity is finally coming together as I know who I am as a social worker. My professional identity is developing. 

I am starting a new position as a Education Related Mental Health Therapist Intern at this private school called Guiding Hands. It is going to be a paid internship and I am working with the population that I love working with. I have developed a love for working with people who have disabilities, specifically developmental disabilities. I find working with this population is extremely rewarding yet challenging. It pushes me to work hard but I find the work very enjoyable. So, I am very happy about this placement. It is in El Dorado Hills, so it is farther way that I would want, but it will be worth it. I will just have to listen to books on cd's. 

Also, I am accepted into the PPSC program at Sacramento State. It is the Pupil Personal Services Credential Program. In order to work in schools as a social worker, most schools require that social workers have this credential. So, when I graduate I will have my MSW and PPSC. It is crazy to think that things are coming together so perfectly. 

I am going to miss my old placement, but I am really happy in starting my new job. It will be working on the opposite end of the spectrum. When I first started the program, I was required to enter the population I desired to work with. I said I wanted to work with children in schools and then they placed me at Health for All. I didn't really want to work with the elderly and adults, but I learned to love working with that population as well. I am excited to work with the population. I have been wanting to work with for a while. I want to give back to the kids at the middle school. Their influence on me has been significant in leading me to where I am now. I thought I was just getting a job that would help pay for graduate school, but the job ended up being much more. I guess that is how life works out sometimes. 

Well, cheers to things finally coming together!


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