It was a long day

I didn't think I could accomplish everything on my to do list today, and then I woke up feeling sick. I kept thinking "this is not a good time to be sick". I am going to General Conference this weekend, and seeing friends, so I wanted to be healthy. I just felt like I needed to throw up, but luckily after my nap, I was able to feel better. I learned the basic of the quickstep today, and I was able to feel comfortable with the step. And then in Social Psychology, we learned about social peception. It was so interesting to see how quick we judge on appearance. We learned about internal attribution, how we see something and think its because of their disposition, and we don't see the situation. There was this funny commercial, the guy was making a romantic dinner, and the cat spilled over some red sauce/soup. He picked up the cat covered with the soup, and held it up with his knife in his other hand. His girlfriends walks in this moment. Think of what she was judging him about, murdering his cat, when she disregarded the situation! Anyways, my new goal today is to judge people based on the situation they are in, because people behave in different situations, and if we assume they did something because of their personality and not their situation, we falsely judge!


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