How do I love thee….

I was thinking about my love for music today. I have been to over 30 concerts in my life, and I feel like I could go to 30 more. There is a power in music, and it can always make me happy. One strange thing that happens to me when I listen to music, is the memories that come to my mind. I remember people through music, I remember feelings, and smells when I hear certain music. I can look back in my life and think of depressing times, and remember playing Moonlight Sonata. Or I remember hearing Coldplay with my best friends, and being in a trance like state. I remember singing church hymns when I am down and feeling that instant relief. I remember hearing Frank Sinatra, and just wanting to fall in love. One of my favorite memories was seeing Kenny Chesney in a stadium concert that was sold out. It was 6 hour concert with a amazing line up of artists. I remember the weather, the smells, the light, every aspect of the concert. I can imagine Kenny Chesney running up and down the stage. I can remember him singing "There Goes My Life" with his acoustic guitar, and the crowd singing in unison with him. All of these memories bring back some of my favorite experiences. There is a special spirit when you are singing with a acoustic guitar, and the crowd is singing with unison. It always brings me peace. I love how music makes me want to sing and dance. I can hear The Temptations singing "My Girl", and wanting to get my hairbrush and run around all over my house. Or hear Abba singing "Dancing Queen", and wanting to dress up and dance. I can imagine myself singing Andrea Bocelli in a opera proudly singing the high note. I can watch John Mayer, and admire his guitar skills. I have developed this passion of music throughout my life, and continue to have a new favorite song everyday.


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