Studying with my Roomates

I had a jam packed day today, and finally I needed to study. I came into my room and found my roomates studying together listening to classical music. I joined them, and we all read our books, and ate our delicious nachos. It was something simple, yet I enjoyed being with my roomates, even if we were studying. 
Also, I learned some new ballroom steps for the quickstep. I was able to learn the footwork yet not the technique perfectly. One thing I noticed was I first learned through observation and then through practicing. It made me think about how we learn, and I realized this is how most people learn. We observe others and then practice it and apply it in our own lifes. If we learn through observation, which I believe is true, we need good examples. What are people going to learn through observing others who are making wrong choices, and setting low expectations for us?


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