
I saw Jimmer play basketball last night at Arco Arena (or Power Balance Arena). I kept thinking about how the adjustment would be hard to go from college to NBA. The styles, strategies, plays and pressure is completely different. And then the tall guys playing on the Kings were good, but Jimmer just seemed to have more success.

According to me, these are the skills are of a amazing basketball player:
1. Brains (knowing the game)
2. Unselfishness (being able to give up the ball and give someone else the shot)
3. Being able to find a open shot
4. Fast Runner
5. Good Offense/Defense ( Middle ground between the two)
6. Respectful to the Game, Ref's, Coach, Other team, and team members.
7. Spontaneous Thinker
8. Be able to change quickly when necessary.

Of course, there are more but these are the ones that I could think of. 


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