No More Goodbyes

I refuse to say goodbye. There is no ending. A relationship will never have a end because there will always be memories that keep it alive. The relationship may diminish but there will always be a relationship. This is my new philosophy. Saying goodbye to me doesn't sound useful. This is what I will say.."I will see you later". Later may mean 10 years later, the next day or the next life. I have this new perspective that is more hopeful. Maybe this is my coping mechanism that I am just having a hard time realizing I am leaving everything I love for a bigger and new enviornment.

I am not saying goodbye to Rexburg. I will visit Rexburg. I will miss my Grandpa and his kisses on my cheek. I will miss his house and the home that I always had. Rexburg was a home away from my home. It will always be. It is crucial to my testimony of the church, social and academic development. I love everything about Rexburg and BYU Idaho. I will miss having pillow fights with my best friend and just laughing. I am a comedian with her. We make each other crack up and just know each other really well. We don't have to do anything exciting to have fun and laugh. We can be in the middle of nevada playing "guess what we are humming" and cracking up. I am so glad that I was able to go to Oregon and California with her so we could extend our vacation. It was a fun time and I don't know if I will be able to spend a lot of time together because we will be in different places in the country. I don't know what I will do without my best friend with me. She has been one of my biggest supports and seems to be there for me. Even the smallest things, she will still listen and care. I know that I have lucked out in having the best friend. So, if you are reading this, thanks for being there for me. You really have helped me so much in my life and I don't know if I could laugh as much as I do. I will make new best friends and be able to form new relationships that mean a lot to me, but there will always be a place for my best friend.

I just realized recently when making a adjustment that we don't have to say goodbyes because everything will remain with us. Maybe I am feeling sentimental. I just am feeling good and confident about this change. Don't view the past in a sad manner but look towards new opportunities.


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