Gotta Love Finals!

Yep, it is everyone's favorite time of the year. The time of exams, papers, projects, white glove clean checks. The stress levels are high. Roommates have more tension. Everyone has different plans for the next semester. Everyone is moving and packing.

How do you handle finals stress? Do you cry, eat, laugh, procrasinate,complain, or just study? Each person has their own individual way of dealing with finals stress. I find it interesting that each person is different in how they deal with stress. It is a talent to deal with stress. My freshman year I was horrible with  dealing with stress. After being in college for 2 years, you learn how to deal with the stress.

This is what I have learned helps me the most. Make a to do list with prioritized items that need to be accomplished. Then do number 1. Check it off. Then do number 2. Keep going until you finished the list. Don't try to multitask. Just do one thing at a time and don't think about the other items on your list. I think this is the most important strategy we can use. I have used it multiple times in college and it helps me organize my time and relieve stress. Just do and don't talk. Acting is important with finals. Complaining really dosen't accomplish ANYTHING. I know it makes you feel good in the moment, but you are wasting your time that you could of been done with your paper.

Another thing is to take breaks. Have something to look forward to as a motivation to keep going when you are getting tired. You get burned out after a semester of working hard. It seems like with school, there is on going to do list. You finish one thing and there is always another thing left to do. The stress that comes from constant work and no breaks can be hard to deal with. You can take breaks. 15 minute breaks are great. Power naps are amazing at getting enough rest and then energy to keep going. Taking too long of naps make you too tired again. Go to bed early. Eat healthy. Exercise. Pray. My favorite strategy is to just dance and be goofy when I am on breaks. I dance and get the jitters out so then I can get back to being serious and studious once again.

I know that finals can be hard but they are possible. You can succeed during finals. Just be motivated and realize that there will be a end to the misery of studying every minute of your life.

Anyways, I know that us college students can do well if we just work hard at it! Good luck :)


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