Grad School and Why do we learn?
Most psychology majors want to go grad school because it will open up new possibilities with new jobs. I went to Psychology Society tonight and we talked about applications and how to prepare for graduate school. My friend was there and she started freaking out saying that grad school was impossible. It made me think about the reality of grad school. I still have plenty of time before I start applying but its good to have a clear vision of reality. She said that Grad school was really hard. It was time demanding. You have classes with reading assignments all day everyday. You are never done learning. There is always something new to learn. You have to stay on top of all the current studies and be aware of different scientists. Grad school scares me a little bit. I have to prepare for the GRE. I need experience with a internship and research experience. The thing that excites me now is the fact that I choose what I want to research. I can choose any advisor and then work under them wh...