
It is my favorite time of the day. I love bedtime. This is my philosophy. You grow up and you don't want to have a curfew and bedtime. It is a restriction that people try to get rid of. You want independence until you realize that independence is better and more successful when you have a bedtime. It is kinda ironic the fact that you get rid of bedtime and naptime and your life becomes crazy. Then you get older and reorganize your life with it and then everything fits together. 

My least favorite time of the day is hearing that alarm clock. I dream and have this wonderful thing happen and then I come back to reality. I hate realizing that everything that is happy fleets away in one sad moment. Then I realize that I can go to bed later that night and come back to my false reality. So guess what? It is my bedtime. I am not ashamed to have a bedtime. I will embrace this bedime until tomorrow morning when I wake up and start another day full of class, homework, Psychology Society, Student Support Meeting and maybe Country Dancing. Yes, it will be a busy day and I will be happy when I go to bed once again. 


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