Have you ever....

Just felt love for everyone in the room? I haven't, well I guess at EFY, but not at this capacity. I am doing Get Connected as a Leader for Freshmen Orientation at BYU Idaho. The training is all day literally but I love my group. I was doubting how people could talk about making instant best friends during the training. We were singing hymns for the closing session last night and the spirit was so strong. I was walking out and this girl we had a class with freshman year just hugged me. All I knew was her name yet I could just feel her love for me and I could feel my love for her. Anyways, It is an amazing feeling when you don't know anything about the person but you can just feel love for them. You can look at them and see them as God sees them. She was amazing and wonderful and yet I really don't know her! I don't know her favorite cereal or major. All I know is that I love her. Yes, It is a wonderful feeling.


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