What happened to Second Chances?

Today there was a talk about having a clean slate for this semester. Just hearing that made me think about second chances. We all have them. Everyday we have a second chance for happiness, success, relief, new friends and new goals. During the school break I wasted a lot of time doing nothing. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed it, but it made me think of what I could of done over the break! I wasn't proactive. I have had this new attitude just happen to become proactive. Make things happen. If things aren't going the way you want them try to change it! I know somethings you can't change. You can't make someone love you. You can't make strangers be friends. You can't make someone want to be your friend, but you can attempt to be their friend and encourage friendship. There is no bad things that happen because you tried. Only good things can happen when you put effort into a goal.

So this is my new philosophy. Each day is a new day. As my friend Annie has said, "the sun will come out tomorrow. Tomorrow I love you!" Yep, take advantage of the opportunities you have in front of you. Don't forget to say I love you. Don't give up job hunting. Miracles happen. Don't give up looking for someone to date because even if it is hard work, in the end it will be all worth it! Living life with this attitude of having the glass half full and looking at each day as a day of opportunity will change your luck. I believe that most of our success comes from our perspective. Of course, there are outside forces we can't control but we can always control our positive thinking.

With positive thinking comes second chances. Give that neighbor that annoys you a second chance by actually getting to know who they really are. You can't judge based on appearance. I know that sometimes I say I am okay when I was crying 15 minutes earlier. Don't assume that everyone you doesn't need your help and is content in their life. Even if they annoyed you, always be open. I think this is what I have learned recently. Just be open for anything. Don't leave any doors closed. You will have more opportunities with doors open. With open doors comes a positive attitude and willingness to give second chances.


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