
Like before, I was a Get Connected Leader for Orientation. It was a great and tiring experience. I learned a lot about leadership. It takes time, energy and a positive attitude. Everyone will look up to you because you are the one with the more expertise. They watch you. They will ask you questions. They will notice everything you do. Your actions will impact the people in your group. If I don't include someone, I can make someone's experience awful yet I have the power to make their experience wonderful. It is hard to make everyone be friends because it is impossible. I have learned about people's agency in making friendships. You can't force people to be friends. Many time I would encourage friendships and encourage group unity yet sometimes it was hard when cliques became natural for the group. Having a positive attitude is hard to carry all day. I wanted to a positive leader with a fun attitude and spirit. I never realized how much energy it would suck out of me to smile and be positive all day. Am I really negative a lot that being positive all day can suck out energy out of me?

Also, I learned a lot about group unity. During training, I became really close to the people close to me. Each day was from early morning to late night training with activities, group discussions, games, taking pictures and helping each other strengthen our testimonies on the gospel. I felt like I was at this intensive training where I developed socially, emotionally and spiritually. I made some new friends and It is nice to see them and hug them and tell each other we love each other. The closer the group, the more enjoyable the experience. If my group wasn't as close, I wouldn't have enjoyed get connected as much as I did. It made me think of what made our group so close and this is what I thought of. When we were in training, we were told to be selfless and care about each other. We were told to go out of ourselves and get to know each other in deeper levels through actions and words. With time we were able to accomplish this and have fun. Group unity should be the ultimate goal. Unity doesn't mean giving your personality for the group, it purely just means to have one mind and one heart. We can all be different. The fact that we are different is the beautiful part of group unity. The most beautiful part is the fact we can all be different but have a similar goal in mind, unity. We learn to love and accept each other as we are. If any of you have an opportunity to be part of something bigger than yourself, do it. Be a leader in some organization. It is a great experience you will not regret having.


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