We are not meant to consume, we were made to create.

Have you ever just stared at strangers eyes for a long period of time? Probably not. I am assuming most people haven't. I am not talking about staring at someone you love. That is not a awkward stare when you are in a daze of your special loved one's beauty. I mean staring at a stranger and looking at them in the eye for an extended amount of time.

For my class today, we had to stare at a stranger for a long time. We would step in closer until our feet were touching and I was way out of my comfort zone. In western culture, we have our personal space and mine was violated today. At first, I would look away but then look back at my partner because I could feel their eyes on me. It was really uncomfortable.

What was the point of this awkward exercise? Let me tell you. We learned about how as social workers are meant to create. We create this relationship where our clients are comfortable talking about really hard things. You don't go to a social worker because your life is going great. You are going because your life sucks and you need help. Because of this situation, a lot of uncomfortable topics are discussed when you are talking to a social worker. You are sharing the worst of your life. You have to trust someone a lot in order to share this type of information. Most people don't personally know their social worker. Normally their social worker is someone they are assigned to based on their needs. We needed to feel that discomfort because that is how our clients feel when they are sharing about their life with a stranger. 

Creating is a sacred responsibility that we all have.  In my opinion, creation is the ultimate power that we carry. We can create in multiple methods as we use our unique skills. Social workers skills are their ability to create a safe place where their client can open up about their life and discuss their problems. This is a beautiful thing as this safe place creates a new relationship. It creates a new beginning for the client to gain solutions and resources needed to resolve their problem. It will ultimately create a new life away from their problems. 

Everyone has the ability to create or destroy. Teachers create learning opportunities for their students. Artists create beautiful pieces of art that inspire others. Musicians create music that emotionally and physically moves their audience. Couples create children as they become one. Cooks create delicious meals that physically fill up the consumers stomachs. I could continue on about how every individual and group has this important power to create. 

On a side note, we can create negative things. I love Sara Bareilles and her music. You know the song that she sings called Brave? She talks about this power that we have with our words. We have the power to create a uplifting message that can positively change someone or tear someone down with negative words. We need to make sure that our creations are not tearing people down. What is the purpose of our creations? We must always remember that our purpose is to create to uplift not tear down. 

My question to leave with this blog post is whether or not we are the consumer or the creator. There is nothing wrong with being the consumer. We will go back and forth between these roles. We will consume another's creation. Hopefully as we consume, we will give back with our own creation though. Are we using our unique skills to create our creation? Are we reaching our ultimate and divine potential? As we use our power to create, we will reach out ultimate potential. We will become our best self as we give to others. 


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