You are never too old to have fun

Lately I have been doing some posts about my school. This one will be about my ridiculousness that has happened this last weekend.

So, this weekend was my fun, not worry about school at all weekend. It was great. Very much needed. Now I will pay for it this week as I have to do so much work. This weekend can be my catch up weekend. I had some funny moments though.

Tonight, I went to a fireside with a friend and then came home and played monopoly deal with my brother and sister in law. I hate playing games with my brother. He is the kind of person who will complain about the game if he is loosing. If he is winning, he will explain why he is winning. Once he wins, he will apologize and not mean it about how he feels so bad about us losers. Then he will drag on about how he was the winner. Who wants to be around him?

So, we are playing this game and making chicken noises. Let me explain why we are making chicken noises. I know that not many people make chicken noises while playing board games unless that is a requirement. We have a very playful relationship and he will tickle me alot. I have learned to never trust him if he wants to hug me. When he hugs me, he will trap me and then tickle me until I fall onto the ground and squeal. This is his way to show that he loves me. We were playing the game of intimidation. We would give each other looks that would scare each of us of until he started acting like a chicken. I started to act like a chicken then until we were doing various types of chicken dances. It lead to us watching a Arrested Development clip about chickens. Then we just started doing chicken noises.

Yes I am 23. Yes I can be mature at some moments but sometimes you just have to make chicken noises with your brother on a sunday night. Right? It's healthy. That is my claim. That is our strange way of bonding with each other.

My nephew also gave me a hug today. I love his hugs but today was a not so lovely hug. They like to play in the backyard, preferably naked. They play with the hose, dirt and sand. One of their favorite activities is to pull out flowers or the dirt from plants.

My nephew came over to me with his drool mixed with snot and dirt. It was gross but I accepted the hug. I got it all over my clothes but it was worth it.

These are my moments of ridiculousness this weekend. It was a good weekend. Sometimes simple is the best.


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