The Bakery and Ice Cream Parlor

I just wanted to update my blog and talk about my work! You have already seen my costume, I like my costume a lot! The theme of main street in DisneyWorld is 1920, my mom told me I am a "gibson girl". Do you realize how many people buy sandwiches and pastries at the bakery? A LOT! It is a good thing because I like to be busy. I hate standing around waiting for something to do.I have worked 8 hours a day for now 5 days in a row. My hours are in the afternoon/late night.  That is what you get when you are working in the college program! But even though I have hours when everyone else is socializing, I like working on main street. You get to watch the parades through the window. The food at the bakery is delicious. I don't like vegetarian foods, but they have a tomato and cheese with pesto sandwich. It was amazing surprisingly. My co workers are fun to be around, when we are closing we joke around with each other. What has been my favorite thing to eat the bakery? I would have to say the vegetarian sandwich. The cupcakes, cinnamon roll, and other sandwiches are good too. I would say, anything at the bakery is a good choice! 

The ice cream parlor, that is a fun place to work. I have worked 2 days in here so far. The scoops are huge, and the sundaes look deliciously fattening. I would take one anyday. Do you know that people buy ice cream all day, no matter the time and weather? Even when it is pouring rain, the ice cream parlor is packed! My recommendations would be either a rocky road or cookies and cream sundae with extra hot fudge. They look amazing whenever I make them.

Anyways, this has been my life for the last couple of days. I haven't played in a long time. I want to go to the parks and just go on rides. But working= money! :) So I can't complain. I will update later on my life.


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