"Be a Good Girl"

I had a random flashback today that made me smile.

We had a question and answer session with President Clark at BYU Idaho one night for our Family Home Evening. I wasn't going to ask a question, but I did and his response was so funny yet it was very personal.

I loved how he responded because it was very personal to me, and I could tell that he cared for me even though he maybe met me  that one night.  He looked at me, and said he could tell I was sweet and wanted to make the right decision. He then said he knew I could make the right decision, because he could tell that I knew what was right and wrong, and I knew what it felt like to feel the Holy Ghost in my life. My favorite part of his response was "Be a good girl". He said I know just by looking at you that you are, but continue to "be a good girl'. That is my motto for this next year! It is so simple. But when you are making the right choices, then everything else just seems to flow. Be wise in your decision making, be a "good girl" and happiness and blessings are bound to come in your direction!


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