
I have been here for a couple of days here and my verdict: it is amazing. I love it. Best decision of my life to come here. Really what was I thinking when I could of stayed in Elk Grove or work in the happiest place in the Earth in Florida? Easy decision!

The weather has been a little chillier but It has been really nice. Me and my roommate like to run in the morning on this pathway we found. We have the perfect pace for each other, so I can run four miles without stopping. My apartment is nice, I wish we had wi-fi internet and a tv. The bus system can be confusing, but I am slowly getting used to it. Last night I had a freak out moment, I was alone trying to figure out how to get to my apartment. It was a good experience to get lost and figure out something by myself. Scary.

I love how diverse the workers are in DisneyWorld. Everyone is from different places so on the bus you can meet a large variety of people. I love meeting Brazilans! They are always so friendly, and I love talking to them. I try to talk to someone new a day here, because there is (I am not sure) at least 50,000 cast members from all over the world. I feel so lucky to be here! We had our "traditions" class yesterday where we learned about the park. It was fun to hear about the history of Walt Disney.

Today, I have already received my pass to go into the park so I am going to Hollywood Studios! We are going to explore the park. I can't wait, and then on Friday and Saturday I am working. But until then, I have the whole day off :)

So, this is my plan for today. Go on Tower of Terror!


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