Life is not a race or competition

Rexburg is a winter wonderland today! I walked home after running with hailing and then when I get out out of the shower with a blizzard! Yes, I like watching it though. I have been here long enough that you can tell when a blizzard is coming based on the wind.

Anyways, I was thinking about we look at our life yesterday when I was hanging out with my bestie last night :) Life shouldn't be lived as a race or competition. There are so many precious moments we would miss out if we tried to live with a fast pace all the time. What if a couple lived with such a fast pace they missed their child's first laugh?

I have seen this perfection movement with people all around me, and sadly myself as well. There is this competition to who can have the perfect image. You have to have a perfect house, perfect spouse, go to church weekly with your hair perfect and skirt ironed. You have to say the right things, be friends with the perfect people and look cool on your facebook. That is a sad way to live if you ask me. There is more to life than pretending to look perfect every moment. We all know that you aren't. We know that when you are inside, you may be having a breakdown. That is okay. Have a breakdown and don't feel ashamed. Wouldn't you rather be real and human instead of perfect and fake?

Life is meant to be enjoyed not to be fretting about who has the nicest backyard and christmas decorations. Those things are not part of your eternal salvation. They won't bring you joy in the long term. What will? Family, memories, friends, laughter, and enjoying the present moment.


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