
I found out that I am a perfectionist today. I received a 89 on my personality test. It isn't a bad score yet I really wanted a higher score. The thing is I never knew that I was a perfectionist until today. I guess I have always had the symptoms but I never recognized them. I need to learn how to not be a perfectionist. Getting a B+ on a test is NOT bad. It is good. All I can do is my best yet I have this expectation of myself to do better. I have this mentality that there is always a better score that I can get.

The funny thing is that I am only a perfectionist when it comes to school work. I am not a perfectionist with art, with looking good or having the "right" friends. I really don't care about everything else.

I bet everyone around me notices it except myself. At least I noticed it at one point in my life right?


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