Thanksgiving with a....Pheasant!

For thanksgiving meal, we had pheasant and turkey. It wasn't that bad surprisingly. My uncle bought two pheasants and cooked them so we had two meats. Like every thanksgiving, we had a amazing meal. Sweet potatoes are my favorite with a brown sugar glaze along with homemade rolls. We had our collection of pies that weren't homemade this year but they were still delicious. My grandpa bought a mincemeat pie that I didn't try ( I don't really like raisins). We had the meal at my grandpa's with my Aunt Kristen and Uncle Matt, Uncle Mike and Aunt Cindy and their family, my roommate Sheila and then my family. It was really fun. We played some games, ate food, took pictures after I looked like I just created a food baby. I loved having a break from school where I could relax, sleep in and just play. I haven't played for a couple days straight. Of course, being in a family of all boys, we watched a lot of football and some basketball. I did see Breaking Dawn though. It was different than I expected. It was a little gross with the birth scene and Bella drinking blood out of a cup and blood in her teeth. I can say one thing about twilight: the acting gets better each movie. They didn't look like they were in pain each time they moved or talked this movie. I played lasertag and minature golf with my brother, sister in law and my other brother. I didn't win like I thought, but it was fun. I went to the all mighty craft store for their sale with my mom and sister in law. I swear Porters has everything you would ever want in a craft store. It is the perfect mormon craft store. I understand why everyone loves that store. I am grateful that my brother was able to move a lot of my stuff to Provo. I still have more things that need to be moved but a lot is done. Transferring is a good idea but sometimes it just dosen't make sense. Why am I transferring to another school for only 3 semesters? Even though right now it seems illogical, I still think the change will be a good thing for me. A new psychology program, new friends, new roommates, new environment, new school schedule and new campus!

Although, I had a fun break, I think my favorite part was being with my family. It was fun with my little cousin Henry yelling out for Shalyse the whole break. I liked dominating my family in Rook. That was definitely a highlight. My whole family wasn't there and I wish they could of been because we had fun bonding with each other. We are not all together a lot of the time since we live in different areas of the country. I liked looking at the scrapbooks of my grandpa and grandma when they were younger. It is weird to see them as newlyweds or new parents with toddlers.

I have a lot to be grateful for and there is no use in complaining in life. I am grateful for so many things that this blog could go on and on. I am grateful for my grandma and her influence with music. Without her influence, maybe music wouldn't be emphasized in my family. I am grateful for good food, friends, family, laughter, education, animals, holidays, cars, my religion, and who we can become having knowledge of the gospel. I am grateful that my loved ones around me are safe. There are so many things to complain about in life. We could complain about our paycheck, our small house, our work load, our weaknesses and our bad health. But if we open up our eyes, we will see the great blessings that are in our lives. There are so many and they may be small. It is hard to find the small blessings but taking the time to find them will be worth it. It will bring content and happiness in your life knowing that life is worthwhile seeing all that we do have.


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