Dear 16 year old me,

Be happy while you are in High School. Don't stress out too much on AP tests and figuring out which college you will get into. You will get rejected from your dream college, but the backup plan will be better than the plan you had for yourself. Your boyfriend will break up with you and leave you with a broken-heart, but you will love again. Other guys will want to be with you, so don't fear that you are unlovable. You are the opposite of worthless, you are a bright daughter of God who has a lot to live for. 

Don't get caught up in the small things in your life. When you are in college you will make the major life decisions that will cause stress. Just because you don't have plans on a Friday night, your life isn't over. Practice piano more and spend time on the grand piano. Once you leave for college, you will miss playing on that baby grand piano. Spend time with your family because once college starts, everything changes. Start to learn how to cook by cooking more meals for practice. It will save you lots of time if you already know how to cook. Don't dwell on the past and try to live in the moment. When you look back on the past, 16 is a carefree age where you are able to live freely and be free-spirited. 

Don't let others take you for granted. Learn to stand up for yourself. If someone hurts you, usually it doesn't mean something is wrong with you. The individual hurt you was probably insecure or had emotional problems, that took them out on you. 

Don't worry about weight, style, grades, passing the AP test and who your true friends are. These are the tiny things that will not matter. Focus on family, strengthening your testimony, learning study skills, having fun and providing service for others. 

There is so much to life for and you don't see them as a 16 year old. There is a much wider and broader perspective to life. Although you think that not going to Junior Prom was sad, there are much sadder things in this world. 

Freedom is not driving. Freedom is knowing who you are and standing up for it. Freedom is making the right decisions and having peace within yourself. Freedom is not having a boyfriend. Freedom is being with people who you truly love and people who truly love you back. 

Don't worry about dating and being single. Have friends. LOTS of friends. Do group dates. When you get to college, there will be plenty of opportunities to worry about dating. 

Lastly, emjoy your life. I can't think of another time when you can just have fun and be a teenager. Don't try to mature too fast because the time will come when you will be an adult soon enough. Life moves fast and although it seems like it is moving slowly, you will soon be 21. 

Dear 16 year old, be everyone's friend and be open to new experiences. 

Live your life the way you want to and not want the popular crowd demands everyone to do. Dare to be different. 

Almost 21 year old version of yourself


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