It's talk about boys time.

Everyone loves this time of day. I had some excellent boy time with my friend. We talked about guys and just laughed. You know this whole dating scene is comical to me. I just laugh at all the funny things we do in order to get attention from the opposite sex. The things we saw about them, how we daydream about people we don't even know and just the ironic and hilarious situations we are put into. 

I can't wait to the day when I am married and I can laugh over my single years and all the funny things we do. 

This is all, I just think dating is funny. 

Again, life presents some funny moments. Like today in the dollar movie theater, the cup holder fell off when I was sitting in it. It was a serious part in the movie and everyone looked me and my friend as we laughed at the broken seat. I attempted to fix it and just left it unbroken. What can you expect from a dollar movie theater though? 

Anyways, I guess I have learned a lot in these last couple of weeks about the flow in our lifes. Just don't worry and laugh more. I tend to stress out more than necessary. Maybe If I was more carefree yet worked hard, I would enjoy life more :)


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