New Student Orientation Once Again.

I didn't want to go to New Student Orientation because I felt like a junior shouldn't need to but it helped a lot! I received my free t-shirt, planner, frisbee, Y book and lunch. Not only did we receive free items, I learned more about the campus and met some transfer students. Orientation was mainly transfer students since most freshman students aren't accepted in the winter.

I have realized the campus won't be that different at all compared to BYU Idaho. There is a honor code that is less strict compared to BYU Idaho's strict honor code. There is a pushed academic focus with a huge library. I love this library already because there are so many more study areas compared to the 1st and 2nd floor of BYU Idaho's library. (Lets just admit that the 3rd floor was a flirting floor where no one could work done unless you had both earplugs in). We learned about the traditions of honor, commitment and integrity. Overall, I feel like I can kinda find my way around campus. It is kinda exciting going to a bigger campus. I like my apartment. It is really close to campus and all of my roommates seem really cool. My roommate is a international student who does early janitor and who is gone all day. I have a feeling that I won't see her very much because I come home and she is in bed at 9! Maybe she will have a good influence on me to make me go to bed earlier.

I like BYU and I think it will be a good change for me. There are cute boys and more cute boys. At Idaho there were cute guys, but they were usually married or had a girlfriend. You always had to compete but I feel like it is somewhat more relaxed here and the possibilities are more! Maybe I will have more luck dating here...hopefully.

Tomorrow is my first day of classes and I am excited to meet my new professors and new classmates. I am in my upper division in my major, so I will need to get to know my classmates. I will see them again in my other classes.

Being with my brother has been really fun. We had a game night the other night and it was fun to see him in a different light. We played a game where we had the same ideas unintentionally. We would all say our answers and then we would look at each other and say..."you have that one too?" It was really funny. Tonight we saw the UVU vs. Wyoming game where I wore my Wyoming shirt and cheered on Wyoming. It was a really fun game cheering on the visiting team. I have a feeling being close to Daniel will make my watch more sports events. Maybe I will enjoy them more and make more friends at sporting events? He gives me good hints about the campus although the campus has changed since he has been here.

I am excited for my intermediate country dancing class tomorrow! I want to learn some new dance moves and meet new friends. Maybe I could go dancing with them. I have realized that this change is forcing me to grow and expand my friend circle. I have to go meet new people unless I want to be in isolation. (Nobody wants to be in insolation). I feel more outgoing with people as I know that I need to become more outgoing.

This is a long post so I will end it now, but this is just a short update on my life in Provo now :)


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