I just wannna know you better...

Do I really? Okay, recently I have developed this really negative attitude about dating. I have become apathetic. I just get so used to my routine of doing what I do and I don't want to break it. I do have a social life. I do talk to guys. I am not a bitter person to love. If other people are in love, then I am happy for them. I don't get jealous of others. I don't know what my state of dating is. I don't think that apathetic is the correct word.

You know how you have this guy that you like or have a crush on in your head when you are not dating someone? I don't have anyone or anything. The good thing is that I am open. I hold high expectations and am willing to date. I am not opposed to dating. I would welcome if there was a date. But so far, I haven't met anyone that I like or want to date. Is it wrong to not like anyone? I feel like people are shocked to hear that I don't like anyone. I just haven't met anyone that I like.

Are my expectations too high? I don't think my expectations are too high. I don't want to lower them.

Am I not focusing on the right things? I try to balance my life. I have lots of things on my plate. I have my capstone, work, school, friends, my church calling, sleep, grad school applications and trying to find room to exercise. I am not perfect at balancing, but I am slowly learning stress management techniques.

I have come to the point with myself that I am confident. I know that I have worth. It is a great feeling that I don't doubt myself. I think in the years before that boys could read into my insecurities. They were a block for my dating life. Now that I am confident, what is the block?

Lack of time management? Lack of men in my ward, classes, work? Lack of effort?

My new favorite song is Taylor Swift "begin again". I know that love exists. I have been in love. I know that I can fall in love again. I guess the problem is meeting that person. I have been on dates, but they just haven't been gentleman. I want a man to open my door because he isn't obligated to do it, but because he truly respects women. I want a guy to pay for my food not because he feels obligated, but because he is a gentleman.

In the last year, I have just learned that finding a gentleman is so important. Those small things that boys do on dates are so great. They don't have to be perfect, but they need to be a gentleman. So boys, do the small respectful things. They are important. They mean more than you know.

I'll find my gentleman someday. Until then, I am almost done with my graduate school application. I got my bishop's endorsement down. I am going to get my letter of intent edited and submitted....and then...I am just waiting for a letter of recommendation. It is exciting!


  1. Kristen! I miss your pretty face more than you know so I blog stalked you. Haha. It is so exciting that you want to go to grad school. I thought about it and ultimately came to the conclusion it wasn't a good time for me. I commend you so much for pursuing more education. That is absolutely wonderful! As for the lack of a man in your life. Who cares?! You are beautiful and lovely and charismatic and when the time is right your Mr. Gentleman will be there. I love you much! - Abbie Fox


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