
I like to go volunteer at this family clinic in Provo. Well it is a requirement, but I do like to go. I play with kids in the waiting room and keep them busy to make the waiting room experience a little more enjoyable. Sometimes, I come home and question if my time spent is worth it. Today was not one of those days.

There was this mother with four young boys on the phone. I was trying not to judge the mom, but the kids were running around all over the place. I started playing lego's with the children and they talked to me about their airplane lego toy they made. I then played "Don't break the ice" for a hour and a half with these kids. We would play for 2 minutes and then set it up and repeat the whole thing again.

I don't feel like I was a therapist today, but I saw the mom's anxiety decrease as she was able to relax a little more. It was fun playing with the kids. I learned all about kindergarten, how big crayons are really weird, how fun it is hit things with a plastic hammer, how "All dogs go to heaven" was one of the dumbest movies of all time and lastly, that dunking your head in a water fountain and having a shower is fun to do when you are in kindergarten. 

Yes, I learned the fundamental important concepts that all children must learn by hanging out with these kids in the clinic for two hours.

Well, to be serious, the most important thing I have learned is that you have to be really careful. You never know what people are going through. You never know how your behavior or words may offend someone. Just become aware and know what is going on. Plus, don't judge by the book cover. Sometimes, you would never suspect a client is going through something. So, don't judge. It will only make things worse.

Well, that is my story of the day.

Also, I learned from a second grader that smart people shouldn't do homework. Plus, at BYU you should be doing your children's homework instead of your own. You can definitely see that she has a limited perspective. She assumes that any girl who looks older is married and has children just like her mother. Kids say the funniest things!


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