Rise up ye men.

Men are great. There are problems with men now though. Men don't take responsibility as much. Some men are awesome and take responsibility for issues but this post isn't for you men though. I agree with what the church leaders are saying about taking responsibility and rising up to your title. Just because tv shows men as lazy and ignorant, dosen't mean that you have a right to act that way. Most tv shows men on the couch drunk  ignoring the needs of their children and their wifes. They usually watch sports and complain all day. Is that what you want to be one day?

In my job, I see a lot of families with issues. Both males and females are to blame for problems within families, but too many males aren't rising up. They ignore their family needs and are addicted to pornography, drugs or the internet. They play the blaming game saying that their wife didn't fulfill their needs so it lead them into pornography. I understand that the wife's behavior influences the males behavior, but take some responsibility for your actions! Communicate with your wife about your needs and realize that your needs are not the number one priority. Marriage is part of being a team where both partners needs are important.

Too many people view marriage in a selfish light. Marriage is meant to get your own needs met but to not focus on your partner's needs. That is completely wrong. If you truly love someone, you put their needs above your own. Both men and women need to learn this more. Love is more than sexual attraction. It is a unconditional positive regard and loving your spouse in times of struggle and joy. 

I understand that men have a lot of expectations. Sometimes they may be unrealistic and they can't accomplish everything. I totally understand them, but the same time we shouldn't justify them not meeting their responsibilities. 

Take charge. Be a man and a leader. Your duty is to lead the home and preside. It is possible. I know that you can do it. Just because others may look at you weird for your actions dosen't mean that you can't do it. 

So, rise up. Be the father that your kids can admire. Be the husband, your wife can trust. Be the boyfriend who cherishes loyalty. Be the employee that works hard and is trustworthy. In my opinion, the most important thing that the husband can do is treat his wife with respect. By doing this, you will teach your children the most important lessons through your example. 

This is my plead for men to rise up. It is time to accept responsibility and move forward with life. 


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