New Favorite Song

It is Young the Giant, "Apartment". Recently, I have found this radio station on pandora called, alternative indie love songs. It is my favorite radio station and this is where I found my new favorite song. I would post the music video, but it is kinda weird. The song is just relaxing for me and I love it.

I was thinking about going on a mission, but I realized that I wouldn't be able to listen to music. That was one of the things that made me decide not to go. There are several reasons why I decided not to go, but I can't give up my music. I know it sounds really selfish, but we have our favorite things we can't give up.

You can listen to my new favorite song and love it too. I share my favorite music.


  1. Ok, Kristen....this post made me laugh. Not serve a mission because of music deprivation? You are too funny. I would think you would add that you applied to grad school and are waiting to hear. Just sayin,,,

  2. Hey, there's plenty of music you can listen to on a mission, depending on your mission president. Even now, even on weekdays, I listen to music that missionaries could listen to (like Cherie Call and the Lower Lights). Granted, a lot of mission music isn't very good, but there are a lot of times I miss being restricted to only those churchy things. You gain an appreciation for it when it's all you can listen to, and sometimes I miss that appreciation.


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