
I am lucky. So lucky. And today was one of those days where I just looked back and thought to myself: "wow". I am so blessed. I not trying to say I am better than all of you because I am blessed. I am just saying that God must love me because I have had so many blessings in my life. I can't not thank God for my blessings because I have so many of them. 

I can't even write about all the amazing experiences and friends I have had at BYU and just in my life. As I look back as when I started as a freshman in college, I have changed so much. I have had the most amazing people come into my life and help me change to become better. I am so happy I have made friends with everyone I currently know. They inspire me and help me be motivated to become better daily. 

I encourage all of you to think about your blessings in your life. It will bring happiness as you recognize the fact that you are very blessed. Even when you are going through hard times, you can find blessings. The fact that God wants you to become better and is giving you a opportunity to become better is a blessing itself. 

So, I love life. I smile and laugh and I know why. God is in my life. He wants me to be happy. He wants you to be happy. He wants you to succeed in all of your endeavors whether it be academic, spirtual, social and romantic. God wants to help out in whatever way he can. He might throw a curveball, but he has good intentions. You may not recognize it in the moment. 

I wish everyone could feel my happiness. I wish everyone would know that God loves them. I wish I could just share my joy and say "you can be happy and not have to carry guilt". 

I am lucky. You are lucky. We can feel lucky and loved if we involve God in our life. 

Sorry, my last posts have been spiritual. I want to be preachy at all. I just feel so much closer to God lately and want to share my joy with others!


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