I just laugh.

I laugh a lot, and recently I have laughed a lot. I want to write about my most recent funny moments in my life.

1. I was crashing a ward prayer, I knew some people there so It wasn't entirely weird. I met this guy who started talking to me and then he found out I was a psychology major. He then started using psychology pick up lines on me. My favorite part about being a psychology major is the responses you get. But, he precedes to ask me if I can read palms. I tell him, "unfortunately, we don't learn that in my major". He tells me that I am being modest and tries to grab my hand. I have met this boy for 5 minutes so I am not comfortable with him holding my hand just yet. I hide my hand. He says, "okay, let me read your palm, give me your hands". I look at him weird and say, "no thanks". The conversation dies. He leaves. I found it really funny in this uncomfortable situation.

2. I met another boy at this ward prayer. We connected in some ways and he told me to come over whenever. I visit his neighbor, another friend, and then we go knock on his door. I don't know him that well, but he seemed really friendly. His roommate answers the door and looks at us weird because he dosen't know us. My friend tells him we are there to announce the fhe for that week and gives him the flier that was on his door. Another roommate comes out and he is on the fhe committee. Well, he plays along but then it gets awkward. They say they have to leave, and then we end the conversation.

I could write about more but I don't want to embarrass myself, even though I already have. Although they are somewhat awkward, one day I will look back and laugh at the funny memories.

I have found laughter to be very important in this semester. One way that I combat my fear is through laughter. I know that may sound weird, but I find it very helpful.  The more I laugh, the happier I am, the happier I am, the more hopeful I am, the more hopeful I am, the more faith I have. It is this cycle leading to faith and optimism. I look towards the future with a optimistic light thinking that it will turn good. It is like President Hinkley's quote "The future is bright as your faith". It really is.

Another thing, I think laughter puts things in a new perspective. I know that laughing in inappropiate situations isn't healthy like when you are denying serious situations or laughing at a death. Laughing at a death may not be the best coping mechanism, but laughing helps me see that life is enjoyable as I am graduating. It is about the journey and having joy in the journey. Even If I am confused and making tough decisions, I can be happy while I am making those decisions. Additonally, I am pretty sure there are numerous health benefits from laughter.

So, laugh more. Find humor in everyday life. Like the joker said, "Why so serious?"


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