The best decision of my life.

I just wanted to write about my decision to go on a mission. It was completely out of the blue. It came out of nowhere. I decided after one sunday. I talked to my bishop that day and started my mission papers later that night. I talked to my Bishop without talking to my parents. I decided after telling people I wasn't going to go. It was a crazy decision. Yet, this has been the best decision of my life. It has changed my life forever. I have developed a stronger testimony and focus on the gospel and I know that I was assigned to ARGENTINA for a specific reason. The more I learn about Buenos Aires, the more I know that there is a purpose why I am supposed to be there, The more I learn about Argentina, the move I fall in love the Buenos Aires. Let me tell you about Buenos Aires. It looks incredible. I don't know everything but I will tell you about why I love it so far. 1. It is the "birthplace" of the tango. If you know love me, I love dancing. I won...